Alternate Routes During Evacuation or Bug out by
for Modern Survival BlogMost people don’t think about alternate routes. Instead they drive the same routes and roads everywhere they normally go. Those frequently traveled roads are typically the quickest to their destination and are the roads well traveled by most people in vehicles.
However if something were to happen that clogs the mainstream routes into traffic jams, would you know alternate routes to get to where you’re going?
During an evacuation or bug-out, will the masses choose the popular main routes and roads that are most often traveled?
Answer: YES. People are mostly creatures of habit. Most exhibit symptoms of normalcy bias, and a lack of good situational awareness and critical thinking ability during times of stress of crisis.
People, just, freak out. Panic.
Be Smart – Have Alternate Routes
As a preparedness-minded critical thinking person yourself, you can outsmart the mainstream masses by having a preconceived evacuation or bug out plan of alternate routes including options for multiple destinations.
Tip: If you do not have any alternate routes out of your immediate area, then focus on how you might handle it. Think about timing. Consider what may block your path and what you might do to mitigate those issues. Maybe it’s time for that helicopter… Or, do you live on or near the water? Maybe a boat? There’s always the bicycle… Maybe you will have to stay put. Then what? Are your prepared?
Here’s one that may be helpful during normal day-to-day travel: How many alternate driving routes do you know from your place of work to home? If the balloon goes up and you need to get home, which route are you going to take?
Or this one: If there is an evacuation (e.g. hurricane warning), how many alternate driving routes do you know that will bypass around the clogged masses sitting in traffic jams on the major roads, freeways, highways, and interstates?